Alumni der Universität Bremen
Seit 50 Jahren in bester Gesellschaft:
Ehemalige der Universität Bremen stellen sich vor.
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164 Einträge verfasst.
Ich bin Graduate
Abschlussjahr 2018
Fachbereich Faculty 05: Geosciences (FB 05)
Studiengang oder Arbeitsfeld Material chemistry

James Ziemah

Die Universität Bremen ist für mich …

fantastic and a place that has modelled my academic career and has also put me in the international world.

Mein beruflicher Werdegang:

After my studies, I established my own company and currently pursuing a research associate and PhD fellow in analytical and organic chemistry coupled with microbiology at Jacobs University in collaboration with Propure - Protect GmbH both in Bremen, Germany.

Meine beste Anekdote:

My first day at the University of Bremen and how Prof. Dr Reinhard X: Fischer was joyous and subsequent employment from the Advanced ceramics group was an unforgettable opportunity. As an employee and a student I was exposed to more international students and further shaped my field from the interdisciplinary study in my program. It has also increased my interest in the field of life sciences which forms my current area of concentration. It is a memorable university and full of academic brainstorming university.

Was mich am meisten beeinflusst hat:

Many of the professors influenced me in my area but the first person to think of is Prof. Dr Marcus Bäumer he is a great and wonderful professor, PD Dr. rer. nat. Michael Maas was a good person in getting me into biomaterials and drug delivery systems.